Business English for Professionals

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Individual Course Descriptions
1 Level 1
2 Level 2
3 Level 3
4 Conversational English
Level 1

Level 1 (¥120,000)

Course Objectives

At the end of this course you will:

1. Gain practical experience and confidence for speaking English at the workplace, including vocabulary, grammar and practical phrases.

2. Be confident in your ability to express your opinion, have business and small talk conversations, delegate tasks, work collaboratively and give presentations in English.

3. Develop communication skills to continue your English learning journey!

Course Description

Our Business English for Professionals Level 1 Course is designed for trainees who have little to no experience of utilizing Business English at work. This brief course is also right for those who are not very confident in their Business English skills and want to refresh their English before jumping into Level 2.

Recommended CEFR: A1 - A2
Recommended TOEIC: 100 - 500

Course Outline

Unit 1: Small Talk (Background & Experience): Introductions - Meet and Greet (talking about yourself), Talking About Your Industry, Talking About your Company, Talking about your Job, Talking About your Goals, Unit Review & Pronunciation

Unit 2: Understanding Your Workplace: Meeting your colleagues/clients, Company Culture, Work Routines, Company policy, rules, & regulations, Multi-Cultural Workplace,  Unit Review & Pronunciation

Unit 3: Basic Workplace Communication: Workplace Communication (Emails Internal/External), Workplace Communication (Phone Calls Internal/External), Meetings - Leading a Meeting, Meetings - Sharing opinions/ideas/suggestions & Making requests, Meetings: Expression agreement/disagreement & asking for clarification, Showing Appreciation, Unit Review & Pronunciation

Unit 4: Presentations: Types of presentations (client/internal), Business Presentation Preparation (giving a presentation) (30-60 seconds), Engaging in a presentation (audience member) + (giving a short presentation) (1-2 minutes), Business Presentation Demonstration (3-5 minutes), Unit Review/Course Review, Final Verbal Exam

Level 1 (¥120,000)
Level 2

Level 2 (¥120,000)

Course Objectives

1. Gain practical experience and confidence for speaking English at the workplace, including vocabulary, grammar and practical phrases.

2. Be confident in your ability to clearly and effectively express your opinion, delegate tasks collaboratively in multiple scenarios, give an effective personal and business pitch, communicate at the workplace in real-life situations, participate in meetings in an impactful manner, successfully participate in sales and negotiation scenarios, and give a business presentation.

3. Develop communication skills to continue your English learning journey!

Course Description

This course is designed for trainees who have had at least a little Business English experience at work. Because this course offers a wide range of content that can be helpful for English learners of all levels, we recommend it as a baseline for all of our Business English trainees, before attempting our Level 3 course.

Recommended CEFR: A2 - C1
Recommended TOEIC: 250 - 800

Course Outline

Unit 1: Office Communication: Course Introduction, Office Talk, Work Culture / Environment

Unit 2: Making Contact, Networking and Small Talk with Clients: Phone Calls, Emails, Customer Service, Small Talk / Networking 1, Elevator Pitch / Networking 2, Networking Review, Business Discussion Series #1 (Case Study)

Unit 3: Meetings and Teleconferences: Meeting Structure (Introduction), Meeting Scenarios, Making and Receiving Suggestions, Giving your Opinion / Interruptions / Clarifications, Working Together, Business Discussion Series #2 (Case Study)

Unit 4: Sales and Negotiating: Sales and Negotiations Introduction, Business Negotiations, Business Sales, Sales and Negotiation Scenarios, Business Discussion Series #3 (Case Study)

Unit 5: Presentations: Making a Presentation 1 – Presentation Basics, Making a Presentation 2 – Useful Tools & Situations, Giving a Presentation 3 – Public Speaking (Trainee Presentations, 5-10 minutes), Final Exam

Level 2 (¥120,000)
Level 3

Level 3 (¥120,000)

Course Objectives

1. Gain practical experience and confidence for speaking English at the workplace, including vocabulary, grammar and practical phrases.

2. Be confident in your ability to speak naturally and close to a native-level in expressing your opinion in critical thinking and advanced discussion scenarios, communicating effectively and efficiently in all Business settings, debating and discussing challenging and applicable case studies, and giving a polished Business presentation that engages audiences impactfully.

3. Develop natural and advanced communication skills needed to work confidently and successfully on an international level, in any global Business environment.

Course Description

This course is designed for our most advanced trainees who have had multiple years of Business English experience and currently work in an international environment (or want to). We recommend taking this course after Level 2,  however if you are a very advanced speaker, you may skip level 2 and go straight into this advanced course!

Recommended CEFR: B2 - C1 (and fluent)
Recommended TOEIC: 800 - 990

Course Outline

Unit 1: The International Business World: Course Introduction - Breaking the Ice - Using Idioms, Why some sounds are harder than others (Pronunciation), Global Citizenship, Advanced Small Talk 1, Critical Thinking 1 (Case Study)

Unit 2: Meetings and Communication: Why some sounds change (Pronunciation), Debate / Arguments / Discourse in Meetings Part 1, Debate / Arguments / Discourse in Meetings Part 2, Debate / Arguments / Discourse in Meetings Part 3, Making the Most out of a Meeting, Advanced Small Talk 2, Critical Thinking 2 (Case Study)

Unit 3: How to Be Remembered for the Right Reasons: Enunciation and Flow - Articulation (Pronunciation), Focusing on Your Message, Getting into Your Audience's Head, Having a Strong Call to Action, Connecting with Your Audience, Advanced Small Talk 3, Critical Thinking 3 (Case Study)

Unit 4: Practice Makes Perfect: Speaking Naturally (Pronunciation), Being Confident When Speaking, Dealing with "No" or Strategies for Practicing, Presentation Practice, Final Advanced Small Talk and Case Study, Final Exam

Level 3 (¥120,000)
Conversational English

Conversational English for Professionals (¥110,000)

Course Objectives

At the end of this course you will:

1. Gain an understanding of the international business world and improve your ability to comfortably engage in discussions about current events

2. Be confident in defending your opinions and forming arguments by looking at real-time statistics, research, and common opposing views

3. Develop natural and advanced communication skills needed to work confidently and successfully on an international level, in any global Business environment.

Course Description

Our Conversational English for Professionals Course is designed for Intermediate & Advanced level trainees who have a desire to practice their conversational abilities whilst discussion current and relevant topics ranging from the economy, corporate matters, social, local & international affairs and case studies. This is very effective as a stand-alone course or as an add-on or supplement to one of our other courses.

Recommended CEFR: B1 - C1 (and fluent)
Recommended TOEIC: 600 - 990

Course Outline:

Category 1 - The International Business World: The Global Marketplace: An overview, Entrepreneurship: Starting a business, Corporate Social Responsibility: Empowering communities, English: The Language of Global Business, Risks & Rewards: When to Go Global

Category 2 - Finance & Economy: Personal Finance: The habits that make or break you, Economic Recession: Economic growth & Decline, Japanese Yen vs US Dollar: A 24-year low, Economic Systems: Command, Market, Mixed

Category 3 - Culture & Entertainment: The Evolution of Entertainment - Then & Now, Globalization - One Homogenous Culture, From the East to the West - A Cultural Comparison

Category 4 - The Modern Workplace: Qualifications vs Experience: Which one adds the most value?, Working Abroad: Should I stay or should I go?, Soft Skills & Hard Skills: What's the difference?, The Rat Race - Climbing the Corporate Ladder, Corporate Hierarchy: From Top to Bottom, Burnout: Work Hard, Play Hard, Retirement - More time, Less Money

Category 5 - Science & Technology: Technology: The good, the bad, & the ugly, Technological Unemployment: Automating the world, Man & Machine - Integrating Humans & Machines, First World Problems - Deciphering the Future, Life Expectancy - Living Longer, Living Better

Conversational English for Professionals (¥110,000)
Levels 1-3 Include:
*Not included with Conversational English for Professionals or Presentation Workshop
Learn business English with native English speakers quickly, easily, and while having fun!
Through an English conversation class with Matt-sensei, I had a deep discussion about the American cultural background of racism and taboo. It’s a valuable experience to gain insights in English about true American culture, not just the appearance.
Come On Out English Hidetoshi
Through this activity, I can get used to communicating with others in English. I am very satisfied with the lesson and I am very happy that I feel my development of English from the lesson. The atmosphere of my teacher is amazing!
I took a one-on-one lesson for my business trip, including business mail, taking an appointment, pitch for a networking event and business meeting. Every time, he checked my needs and took professional themes related to my work. It helped to strengthen my vocabulary. I appreciate your support.
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Learn Business English easily with native speakers